- AcceptHelp (接受幫忙)
- ADHD (過度活躍)
- Adolescence (青春期)
- Argue (吵架處理)
- ASD (自閉症)
- Attachment (依附感)
- Audio (有聲書/非QR)
- Awkward (尷尬)
- Cantonese (廣東話產品)
- ChineseCulture (中華文化)
- ChineseHistory (中國歷史)
- Concentration (專注力)
- Cooperation (團結合作)
- Courage (勇氣)
- Death (生死教育)
- Discipline (自律)
- Distance (保持距離)
- Divorce (離婚)
- Down Syndrome (唐氏综合症)
- Eco (環保)
- FamousPerson (偉人)
- Finance (理財)
- GrandParent (祖父母)
- Hardworking (努力)
- HighSensitive (高敏感)
- Honesty (誠實)
- Lose (怕輸)
- Misjudge (誤解/冤枉)
- Nervous (緊張)
- NewBB (家有二寶)
- NewYear (新年)
- Passionate (同理心)
- PhoneAddiction (手機成癮)
- Polite (禮貌)
- Pressure (壓力處理)
- Procrastination (拖延)
- ReadingContest (校際中文閱讀競賽)
- Season (季節)
- SexEducation (性教育)
- Shy (害羞)
- Sibling (兄弟姐妹)
- Space (太空)
- ThinkOutOfTheBox (跳出框框)
- TooRush (太急)
- Tooth (牙齒健康)
- 特價練習本組合1
- 肥哥哥好書推介
- 超筍限時優惠
- Disney Audio Book
- Author (著名作者)
- 大偵探福爾摩斯
- 雜誌訂閱
- 0-3歲幼兒啟蒙繪本
- 所有繪本分類
- 教養書
- 精選橋樑書
- 教具及桌遊
- 海外建議書單
- 練習本/遊戲書
- 幫助中心
Pearson Longman Level-up! English Test Papers
•Offers 5 mock papers (3 general tests, 1 midterm and 1 final) assessing vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing skills covered in major textbooks
•Modelled on frequently assessed question types and text types in real school tests and exams
•Incorporates a time allocation tip ‘5 mins‘ in each section to enhance students’ time management skills in exams
•Includes challenging questions (indicated with a star) in each paper
•Offers an online diagnostic assessment with personalised performance analysis, targeted follow-up exercises and learning resources
•Offers short videos explaining common errors
•Includes an all-in-one handbook with assessment focuses, a report card, an answer key and helpful explanations in Chinese
•特設答題時限小提示「5 分鐘」 ,訓練答題時間的分配技巧
•容易失分的難題以「星」 號標示,配合答案解說,有助提升學生水平
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